
Skunk Removal Brampton. Skunks are nocturnal mammals that have started to make their way into the human habitat with ease, due to the abundant access and availability of food, water and shelter. Part of the weasel family, these creatures cannot be missed due to their obvious mono-tone stripes that run right from their head down to the tip of their tail.

This is not the only sign of a skunk invasion. There are many other signs such as burrows in your garden or lawn, uprooted plants and other damages in your garden. Skunks prefer residing in burrows made by other animals; however, they even like hiding in garages, and under the decks of homes.

It is very difficult to catch skunks as they quickly escape into their hiding places when chased and even emit a foul spray from their anal glands that irritates humans and distracts them while the skunks escape.

We at Skunk Control Brampton help you get rid of your skunk problems quickly and efficiently. Call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX and you can speak to our technician who will help you book an inspection appointment.

Nuisance and Damages caused by Skunks

Skunks forage for food and water during the nighttime and are known to survive on plants and other animals. Skunks even feed on insects. They eat rats, mice, moles and other rodents and even feast on grasshoppers, crickets and similar insects. This means that skunks actually help you get rid of some pests. And while this may make them sound like useful animals to have around your property, this behavior could even seem like a nuisance. Skunks tend to dig holes and burrows in your garden, in search of food and shelter. In the act they uproot plants, cause damages in your garden and even make burrows all over the place to breed and multiply.

Potential Health Threats

Skunks breed and deliver during the winter season. Each litter consists of approximately 6 little ones. However, not all of them survive the harsh cold of the winter season. On an average only 2 or 3 make it through. The offspring are fast learners and even though they may follow their mother around for approximately 12 months, they are soon left to survive on their own. Skunks are carriers of various bacteria that could affect humans if they come in close contact with one. They also carry fleas and ticks that could transfer on to pets and other domestic animals at home. Some skunks are rabid and could bite or scratch their host, if threatened.

Skunk Removal Options

We at Skunk Removal Brampton offer you humane, affordable and guaranteed skunk removal solutions to suit your needs. We even provide control measures to avoid future invasions. Call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX.